Middle School Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
The Parkland Middle Schools are committed to delivering top-tier education to each student. In alignment with our Parkland School District mission to foster a safe and nurturing environment conducive to both social and academic development, we embrace the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) approach to learning.
MTSS is a multi-tiered system of supports that systematically helps students at all instructional levels succeed. The Pennsylvania Department of Education defines MTSS as a standards-aligned, preventative, proactive and comprehensive school improvement framework for enhancing academic, behavioral, and social-emotional outcomes for all students.
MTSS provides a tiered framework of increasingly intensified supports for a student’s academic and non-academic needs. As part of the MTSS framework, cross-disciplinary teams represented at the school, grade, and individual levels use a problem-solving process to integrate evidence-based academic, behavioral, and social-emotional programs and practices to meet student needs. You are encouraged to participate in this process and will be made aware of your child’s progress and if they are tier 2 or tier 3 placement. Thank you for your continued interest and support in your child’s education!
Below is a brief description of each tier:
Middle School Data Core Team
The Data Core Team determines the tier to place students based upon multiple assessment measures including classroom-based assessments, standards-based assessments, and universal screening results. The Parkland School District has selected FASTtrack by FastBridge as our universal screener to monitor sixth through eighth grade student progress throughout the year in both Reading and Math. The purpose of this universal screener is to determine where a student is performing compared to national and local norms. FASTtrack screenings are administered three times a year (Fall, Winter, and Spring). In addition, the District uses the Pennsylvania Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT) standards based assessments, given twice per year in ELA, Math, and 7th & 8th Grade Science. The purpose of this assessment is to determine strengths and areas of need within the curriculum.
Springhouse Middle School
Orefield Middle School
District Data Core Team
The District Data Core Team recognizes that all students learn differently, and are committed to helping all students succeed. They are dedicated to the successful implementation of MTSS. By utilizing data analysis to inform educational decisions and support interventions, they foster academic, social, and emotional growth for all students. Empowering educators to prioritize student well-being and academic success, the team cultivates a culture of continuous improvement and excellence district-wide. Parkland School District strives to empower each learner to be a meaningful contributor in a dynamic global society through collaborative efforts of students, staff, parents and the Parkland Community.