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Parkland School District

Educating for Success, Inspiring Excellence

Late Activity Bus

PSD provides late Activity Transportation home on a daily basis with the exception of inclement weather days, early dismissals, school closures, afternoons that start major holidays, and the last several days of school. Buses are sent to OMS and SMS at 4:20 p.m. to pick up students which are taken to PHS to board the proper bus for a ride home. All late buses leave PHS at 4:35 p.m. One common problem is that students do not remember their exact bus stop and/or home address. Students must sign-in in order for our drivers keep record of the student’s name and bus stop upon entering the bus at PHS. Late Activity buses are on a weekly rotational basis; therefore, students should not assume it will always be the same driver. Late Activity buses may not drop students off at their exact bus stop but are directed to make sure the stop is safe and relatively close to the student’s residence at one of the pre-determined late activity stops. It is suggested that students dress appropriately for the weather conditions and/or light conditions depending on the time of the school year. The driver creates a bus run based on the most efficient route to get all the children home in a specific geographic area. There is a minimum of four West, three North, and two South buses on a daily basis. Additional buses may be added based on predicted number of riders and time of the school year.




The following list should be helpful for any student using the late activity buses.

  1. Students need to know their REGULAR BUS STOP.
  2. Knowing just their home address if not enough to ensure proper drop off.
  3. If a question arises concerning the stop requested, they should TALK TO THE BUS DRIVER.
  4. Please realize that the Late Activity Bus Run is considered “EXPRESS RUNS” and these buses DO NOT GO TO EVERY STOP IN THE DISTRICT. The drivers do their best to get the students as close to their regular stop as possible.
  5. LATE RUN DRIVERS “create” the bus run from the information given to them by the students. It is very important for the students to give correct stop information.
  6. We cannot guarantee that students will be home at the same time from one day to the next, due to the day to day rider ship.


NO student pickups will be made after the bus leaves the designated area.