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Parkland School District

Educating for Success, Inspiring Excellence

Educational Technology

Parkland's Technology, Teaching & Learning, and Student Services/Special Education departments collaborate regularly to ensure that our educational technology program is focused on supporting a personalized learning approach for every student. Some core goals in those efforts are: 
  • allowing students to have voice and agency within their learning paths
  • create a learner-driven environment with students at the center of the process
  • provide opportunities for students to work on authentic projects with real world connections
  • prepare students to be upstanding digital citizens.
  • build collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking skills (The 4C's) that prepare them for success on the way to and after graduation.

Parkland provides every student with a 2-in-1 touchscreen Chromebook as a resource to more fully engage with this evolving digital ecosystem. Students will use their device to access digital content from our curriculum providers, complete assignments, collaborate with peers, create projects, and more. The organizational hub all teachers and students will use K-12 to facilitate learning is Schoology. Our productivity suite is Google Workspace (Google does not use any user personal information to target ads for K-12 users.)

In addition, we use a variety of digital tools to support and enhance learning. A list of applications approved for student use can be found at here. Applications may be updated or changed throughout the school year. The district reviews applications teachers use with students to ensure appropriate terms of use, student data privacy, and security requirements are met. 

We offer continuous professional development to help staff leverage devices, applications, and content fully, and understand how they can facilitate transformative learning experiences for our students. Our teachers and students receive excellent technical support from our team, and instructional support from instructional coaches and instructional tech mentors.