Gifted Education
Philosophy: The overall aim of Parkland ‘s gifted services is to provide educational opportunities and experiences to help students extend their learning, develop individual potential, enhance their self-concept, and become independent learners.
Overview: The Parkland School District provides differentiated activities and opportunities through which students discover and develop their unique and individual needs, interests, talents, and abilities.
Identification: The Gifted Identification Process is a scaled multi-step process based on:
- Student Achievement
- Standardized Test Scores
- Teacher Evaluations
- Parental Input
- IQ Test Scores
- American Association for Gifted Children (AAGC) -
- Associatiuon for the Gifted (TAG-Council for Exceptional Children) -
- National Association for the Gifted -
- PA Association for Gifted Education
For your information, a copy of the Notice of Parental Rights for Gifted Students is available at the following link: Notice of Parental Rights