K - 12 Curriculum
Grades K-5 subject areas include:
- Language Arts
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
- Health
- Physical Education
- Visual Arts
- Music
- Library
- Curriculum - Kindergarten
- Curriculum - Grade 1
- Curriculum - Grade 2
- Curriculum - Grade 3
- Curriculum - Grade 4
- Curriculum - Grade 5
Curriculum - Kindergarten
During the Kindergarten Grade year, your child will encounter the following skills and concepts in their Language Arts Classroom:
Foundational Skills
- Utilize book handling skills and concepts of print
- Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables and sounds
- Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words
- Read with purpose and understanding
Reading Informational Text
- Identify main ideas and details with prompting and support
- Ask and answer questions about key details with prompting and support
- Make connections between 2 pieces of information with prompting and support
- Identify parts of a book, (title, author) and parts of a text,( beginning and end of a book)
- Ask and answer questions about unknown words with prompting and support
- Answer questions to describe the relationship between illustrations and the text
- Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text with prompting and support
- Use illustrations and details in a text to describe key ideas
- Identify basic similarities and differences between 2 texts on the same topic with prompting and support; read or read aloud
- Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading, and being read to, and responding to text
- Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown words or phrases
Reading Literature
- Retell stories and key details
- Ask and answer questions about key details
- With prompting and support identify characters, setting and major events in a story
- Name author and illustrator and the role of each
- Recognize common types of texts
- Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text
- Make a connection between illustrations and text in a story
- Compare and contrast the experiences of characters in stories
- Determine the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words and phrases
- Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading, and being read to, and responding to text
- Read and comprehend literature independently and proficiently
- Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding
- Use a combination of drawing, dictating and writing to compose text
- With support, develop ideas that relate to the chosen topic
- Make logical connections between drawing, dictation and writing
- With support, add details in illustrations and dictate/write using descriptive words
- Compose stories that describe real or imaginary experiences or events
- Compose informational pieces
- Compose opinion pieces about familiar topics
- Focus on the topic
- Capitalize the first word in a sentence
- Use end punctuation
- Spell simple words phonetically
- With guidance and support, respond to questions and suggestions from classmates to strengthen writing
- Use digital tools to produce and publish writing in collaboration with peers
- Participate in individual or shared research projects
Speaking and Listening
- Participate in collaborative conversation
- Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud, information presented orally, or through other media
- Ask questions to understand or clarify what a speaker says
- Share stories, experiences and interests speaking clearly to be understood
- Use conventions of standard English when speaking
During the Kindergarten year, your child will encounter the math skills and concepts outlined in the document below:
PARENT Grade K Concepts by Quarter MATHEMATICS
Curriculum - Grade 1
During the 1st Grade year, your child will encounter the following skills and concepts in their Language Arts Classroom:
Foundational Skills
- Recognize distinguishing features of a sentence (First word, capitalization and ending punctuation)
- Distinguish long and short vowels
- Demonstrate understanding of syllables and sounds
- Know and apply phonics and decoding skills
- Read high frequency words
- Read irregularly spelled words (words that don’t follow the rules)
- Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
Reading Informational Text
- Identify main ideas and details
- Ask and answer questions about key details
- Make connections between 2 pieces of information
- Use text features to aide comprehension
- Ask and answer questions to clarify what words and phrases mean in text
- Use illustrations and details in a text to describe key ideas
- Identify basic similarities and differences between 2 texts on the same topic
- Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading, and being read to, and responding to text
- Read and comprehend informational text independently and proficiently
Reading Literature
- Retell stories and key details and understand the message
- Ask and answer questions about key details
- Use key details to describe characters, settings, and major events in a story
- Identify who is telling the story
- Explain differences between books that tell stories and books that give information
- Identify words or phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses
- Use illustrations and details in a story to describe characters, settings, or events
- Compare and contrast the experiences of characters in stories
- Determine the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words and phrases
- Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading, and being read to, and responding to text
- Read and comprehend literature independently and proficiently
- Write for different purposes and audiences
- Write clear and focused text to define a perspective
- Capitalize dates and names of people
- Use end punctuation and commas in dates and words in a series
- Spell words drawing on common spelling patterns
- Respond to questions and suggestions to strengthen writing
- Use digital tools to produce and publish writing
- Participate in individual or shared research and writing projects
Speaking and Listening
- Participate in collaborative conversation
- Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud, information presented orally, or through other media
- Ask questions to understand or clarify what a speaker says
- Describe using details and expressing ideas and feelings clearly
- Use conventions of standard English when speaking
During the 1st grade year, your child will learn the skills and concepts in the Mathematics Classroom as outlined in the document below:
PARENT Grade 1 Concepts by Quarter MATHEMATICS
Curriculum - Grade 2
During the 2nd grade year, your child will encounter the following skills and concepts in his or her Language Arts Classroom:
Foundational Skills
- Know and apply phonics and decoding skills
- Distinguish long and short vowels
- Read high frequency words
- Read irregularly spelled words (words that don’t follow the rules)
- Read words with common prefixes and suffixes
- Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
Reading Informational Text
- Identify main ideas and details
- Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text
- Make connections within a text and between texts
- Identify and use text features to aid comprehension
- Determine the meaning of words
- Explain how graphics help you understand and clarify a text
- Compare and contrast two texts on the same topic
- Acquire and use grade level conversational, academic, and content vocabulary
- Read and comprehend informational text independently and proficiently
Reading Literature
- Retell stories and determine the message, lesson or moral
- Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text
- Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges
- Describe story structure
- Use information from illustrations and words to understand text
- Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story
- Determine the meaning of words
- Acquire and use grade level conversational, academic, and content vocabulary
- Read and comprehend literature independently and proficiently
- Write for different purposes and audiences
- Write clear and focused text to define a perspective
- Capitalize proper nouns
- Use commas and apostrophes appropriately
- Spell words drawing on common spelling patterns
- Consult reference materials as needed
- Strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing
- Use digital tools to produce and publish writing
- Participate in individual or shared research and writing projects
Speaking and Listening
- Participate in collaborative conversations
- Describe key ideas from a text read aloud
- Ask questions to understand or clarify what a speaker says
- Tell a story or retell an experience speaking audibly in coherent sentences
- Add drawings or other visual displays to presentations
- Use conventions of standard English when speaking
During the 2nd grade year, your child will encounter the following skills and concepts in the Mathematics Classroom as outlined in the document below:
PARENT Grade 2 Concepts by Quarter MATHEMATICS
Curriculum - Grade 3
During the 3rd grade year, your child will encounter the following skills and concepts in their Language ArtsClassroom:
Foundational Skills
- Know and apply phonics and decoding skills
- Know the meaning of the most common prefixes and suffixes
- Decode words with common Latin suffixes
- Read irregularly spelled words (words that don’t follow the rules)
- Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
Reading Informational Text
- Determine main ideas and supporting details
- Ask and answer questions and make inferences; cite text evidence
- Make connections within a text and between texts, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect
- Explain the point of view of the author
- Identifies and uses text features to aid comprehension
- Determine the meaning of words and phrases
- Use text features to gain understanding from the text
- Compare and contrast two texts on the same topic
- Acquire and use grade level conversational, academic, and content vocabulary
- Read and comprehend informational text independently and proficiently
Reading Literature
- Determine the message, lesson or moral; cite text evidence
- Ask and answer questions and make inferences; cite text evidence
- Describe characters and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events
- Explain the point of view of the author
- Refer to specific text structures when writing or speaking about a text (chapter, scene, stanza) and describe how each part builds upon earlier sections
- Determine the meaning of words and phrases
- Explain how illustrations create mood and emphasize aspects of a character or setting
- Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characters
- Acquire and use grade level conversational, academic, and content vocabulary
- Read and comprehend informational text independently and proficiently
- Write for different purposes and audiences
- Write clear and focused text to define a perspective
- Demonstrate a command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
- Strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing
- Use digital tools to produce and publish writing
- Cite text evidence to support responses to literature and informational text
- Participate in individual or shared research and writing projects
Speaking and Listening
- Engage in a range of collaborative discussions
- Determine the main ideas and supporting details from a text read aloud for information presented
- Ask questions to understand or clarify what a speaker says, offering appropriate detail
- Report on a topic, tell a story, or recount an experience, with adequate volume, pacing, and pronunciation
- Add visual displays to presentations
- Use conventions of standard English when speaking
During the 3rd grade year, your child will encounter the following skills and concepts in the Mathematics Classroom as outlined in the document below:
PARENT Grade 3 Concepts by Quarter MATHEMATICS
Curriculum - Grade 4
During the 4th grade year, your child will learn the following skills and concepts in his/her Language Arts Classroom:
Foundational Skills
- Know and apply phonics, decoding skills, and syllabication patterns to read unfamiliar multisyllabic words
- Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
Reading Informational Text
- Determine main idea and explain how it is supported by details; summarize text
- Refer to text evidence to support what the text says explicably and make inferences
- Explain text, what happened and why, by citing text evidence
- Compare and contrast an event or topic text from two different points of view
- Use text structure to interpret information; chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution
- Determine the meaning of words and phrases including figurative language (e.g.; Simile, Metaphor)
- Interpret various presentations of information within a text or digital source to gain understanding of the text
- Explain if the author uses reasons and evidence to support points in a text
- Integrate information from two texts on the same topic to gain understanding
- Acquire and use grade level conversational, academic, and content vocabulary
- Read and comprehend literary nonfiction and informational text independently and proficiently
Reading Literature
- Determine the theme of a text using text evidence; summarize the text
- Cite text evidence to support what the text says explicably and make inferences
- Describe in depth characters, setting, and events using specific details in text
- Compare and contrast an event or topic from two different points of view
- Explain major differences between poems, drama, and prose
- Determine the meaning of words and phrases including figurative language
- Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text
- Compare and contrast similar themes, topics, and events in literature including different cultures
- Acquire and use grade level conversational, academic, and content vocabulary
- Read and comprehend informational text independently and proficiently
- Write for different purposes and audiences
- Write clear and focused text to define a perspective
- Group related information in paragraphs and sections, linking information, and providing a conclusion
- Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
- Strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing; use formatting to aid comprehension
- Use digital tools to produce and publish writing
- Cite text evidence and recall information from experiences and other sources to support responses to literature and informational text
- Participate in individual or shared research and writing projects
Speaking and Listening
- Engage in a range of collaborative discussions
- Paraphrase portions of text read aloud or from diverse media
- Identify the evidence a speaker provides to support a point
- Report on a topic, tell a story, or recount an experience with adequate volume, pacing, and pronunciation
- Add drawings or other visual displays to presentations
- Demonstrate a command of standard English when speaking
During the 4th grade year, your child will encounter the following math skills and concepts as outlined in the document below:
PARENT Grade 4 Concepts by Quarter MATHEMATICS
Curriculum - Grade 5
Foundational Skills
- Know and apply phonics, decoding skills , syllabication patterns and to read unfamiliar multisyllabic words
- Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
Reading Informational Text
- Determine two or more main ideas in a text and explain how it is supported by details; summarize text
- Cite text evidence by quoting from the text to support what the text says explicably and make inferences
- Explain the relationship between characters, events, or concepts by citing text evidence
- Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic
- Use text structure, in and among text, to interpret information; sequence events, make comparisons, cause/effect, problem/solution
- Determine the meaning of words and phrases including interpretation of figurative language
- Draw on information from multiple sources to answer a question quickly and efficiently
- Determine how an author supports points in a text through reasons and evidence
- Integrate information from several texts on the same topic to gain understanding
- Acquire and use grade level conversational, academic, and content vocabulary
- Read and comprehend literary nonfiction and informational text independently and proficiently
Reading Literature
- Determine the theme of a text using text evidence; summarize the text
- Cite text evidence to support what the text says explicably and make inferences
- Compare and contrast characters, setting, and events using specific details in text
- Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic
- Explain how chapters, scenes, or stanzas fit together for a story, drama, or poem
- Determine the meaning of words and phrases including figurative language
- Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text
- Compare and contrast texts in the same genre on their approaches to similar themes or topics
- Acquire and use grade level conversational, academic, and content vocabulary
- Read and comprehend informational text independently and proficiently
- Write for different purposes and audiences
- Write clear and focused text to define a perspective
- Group related information in paragraphs and sections linking information and providing a conclusion
- Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
- Strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing; use formatting to aid comprehension
- Use digital tools to produce and publish writing
- Cite text evidence and recall information from experiences and other sources to support responses to literature and informational text
- Participate in individual or shared research and writing projects
Speaking and Listening
- Engage in a range of collaborative discussions
- Summarize the main points of text read aloud or from diverse media
- Summarize the points a speaker makes and explain how each claim is supported by evidence
- Report on a topic or present an opinion on themes with sequence, adequate volume, pacing, and pronunciation
- Include multimedia components in presentations
- Demonstrate a command of standard English when speaking
During the 5th grade year, your child will learn the math skills and concepts as outlined in the document below:
PARENT Grade 6 Math Jumper Concepts by Quarter MATHEMATICS
Grades 6-8 subject areas include:
- Language Arts
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
- Spanish / French / German
- Health / Physical Education
- Art
- Music
- Library
- Information Technology
- Technology Education
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Guidance
- Reading
Curriculum - Grade 6
Curriculum - Grade 7
Curriculum - Grade 8
Curriculum - High School
New K-6 Math Program: Math in Focus
Elementary parent nights were held at four different schools in November 2022 to introduce the new math program, Math in Focus. Linked is the K-5 presentation so all interested parents can access the information along with slides specific to each grade level.
Kindergarten Math in Focus Slides
1st Grade Math in Focus Slides
2nd Grade Math in Focus Slides
3rd Grade Math in Focus Slides
4th Grade Math in Focus Slides
5th Grade Math in Focus Slides
In addition, Parkland Reading Specialists shared strategies to connect with your child through conversations and read alouds to elevate a positive reading culture.