Teacher Resources
- ESL Brochure for Teachers
- ELL PowerPoint
- ELL Overlays
- ESL Toolkit
- Standards
- Tip of the Month
- TransPerfect
- TransAct
- What is ESOL?
ESL Brochure for Teachers
ELL PowerPoint
ELL Overlays
ELL Overlays for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing in Mathematics and Literature are a framework for FORMATIVE/CLASSROOM Instruction and Assessment.
ESL Toolkit
ESLPortalPA is a portal for English as a Second Language (ESL) resources. This portal is maintained in partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and is a single front door to online information for educators, pupil personnel staff and community service providers who work with English Language Learner students and their families. ESLPortalPA provides easy access to ESL resources and professional development training opportunities. Click on the following links to register for webinars which are free of charge. Contact Adrienne Kashner, Coordinator of Federal Programs & Accountability for details regarding funding for ESL conferences.
The WIDA 2012 ELD Standards represent the social, instructional, and academic language that students need to engage with peers, educators, and the curriculum in schools.
PA ELP National Standards –There are five English language proficiency standards that center on the language needed by English language learners in Grade levels PreK-12 attending schools in the state of Pennsylvania to succeed both socially and academically in education settings. Each of the English language proficiency standards addresses a specific context for language acquisition (social and instructional settings as well as academic language in the content areas of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies). The framework is broken into five grade level clusters: PreK-K, 1-3, 4-5, 6-8, and 9-12.
Each of the five English language proficiency standards encompasses four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The language domains reflect the modality of the communication that is further delineated by the language proficiency levels and their model performance indicators. The definitions of the language domains are as follows:
Listening –process, understand, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in a variety of situations
Speaking– engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for an array of purposes and audiences
Reading– process, interpret, and evaluate written language, symbols and text with understanding and fluency
Writing– engage in written communications in a variety of forms for an array of purposes and audiences
Tip of the Month
September- If you have an English Learner (EL) in your classroom, the ESL staff is here to support you. For communication with students and families, translation is available through Google Translate, Say Hi App, and Talking Points. We can help you with any of these resources.
Sign-up for a free Talking Points account at www.Talkingpts.org.
During these first weeks of school, ESL teachers are reviewing records of newly registered students, administering WIDA Screener Tests to determine student LIEP status, and meeting with Current ELs.
We are happy to support you as you warmly welcome these students into your class.
October- Just like a house needs a strong foundation as it’s being built, second language students need the same. This strong foundation can be found in their home language. According to experts, we can create strong bridges to new learning, when we tap into student’s home language.
At parent teacher conferences this year, consider encouraging the parents of second language students to do the following:
- Talk about their child’s day in their home language
- Discuss homework topics in the home language
- Continue to read books to their child in their home language
January- The WIDA Access assessment begins in January and is administered overe the course of several week to all ELs. There are four sections to the assessment: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Students who score well on this assessment are considered for Reclassification for the following school year. It is required by the state that all EL test.
March- Looking for a way to connect with your English Learners? Why not check out CultureGrams on Clever Portal. The app is located under the Library Media Center. No password is necessary, however, if you are prompted for a username and password, hover over the “?” on the app and login information will appear. CultureGrams will help you locate cultural information on more than 200 countries, its people, and customs. The knowledge can be used for getting to know our ELs, planning social studies lessons, and even for family consumer science. We hope the content will spark activities and conversation between you and your students.
June- WIDA ACCESS results are scheduled to arrive in our schools in early June.
These testing results will be sent home in a summer mailing.
For Parkland ELs, WIDA tests are the main criteria used to evaluate LIEP placement level and instructional plan. These results, in conjunction with classroom performance rubrics, are also used to determine possible exit from the LIEP program. Reclassification of current students must be determined prior to October 1 and is the only time of the year a student can be reclassified. As part of this process, teachers are asked to complete Language rubrics for each of their ELs.
Parents will be notified of testing results and any changes to their child’s program during the summer.
Transperfect is a phone translation service available to staff for communication with students’ parents/guardians who have difficulty understanding and speaking English. Language Lines is always available for phone calls home, Parent Conferences, IEPs and whenever parental contact is needed. Click this link for a listing of all of the available languages. Contact your building’s ESL teacher for user information.
TransAct offers a robust collection of many legal and policy documents fully supporting parent communication mandates (Title I, III, IX, X, FERPA, PPRA). This collection of documents is available in many languages. Anyone may register for access to this site-teachers, nurses, guidance counselors, secretaries, and/or administrators.