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Parkland School District

Educating for Success, Inspiring Excellence

Flyer Approval and Submission Form

Please view the School Board Policy for information on how to distribute electronic flyers to our families about nonprofit community and recreational opportunities. Please submit your electronic flyer for approval by filling out the form below at least 2 weeks prior to when you would like to have it posted/distributed electronically. Flyers/Information for programs/events/activities that are not school-sponsored must include the following disclaimer, “The Parkland School District does not sponsor or sanction this program/event/activity.”  In order to meet website accessibility guidelines, electronic flyers must be submitted in a Microsoft format (such as Word, Publisher, etc.) or as a pdf file created from the native file.  Scanned images will not be approved.  If you have a question, please contact Kelly Kester in the Superintendent’s Office at 610-351-5502.

PSD Flyer Distribution Request


First Name
Last Name
Must contain only numbers
The Title/ Description that will appear on our web page. This will link to your flyer or brochure.
Items will be removed when the registration period or the event has ended. (Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format)
Flyers/Information for programs/events/activities that are not school-sponsored must include the following disclaimer, “The Parkland School District does not sponsor or sanction this program/event/activity.”  NOTE: The "Submit" button will not be available unless you have checked this box.


You must add the disclaimer to all non-Parkland events to submit them for posting on our website. Flyers that do not display: "The Parkland School District does not sponsor or sanction this program/event/activity.”, will not be posted to our site.

Attach up to 5 files with a maximum size of 20MB
No file chosen
Flyers will be listed on the Community and Recreational Events page.  Summer camps will be posted on the Summer Camps page.